7 Ways to Practice Gratitude and Boost Your Life
Giving thanks goes beyond just one day out of the year. It’s something we should all do every day! How often do you practice gratitude? Do you notice and appreciate the little things around you? Do you give thanks for the big AND the little things in life? If you want to achieve optimal happiness, then it’s time to level up your gratitude practice.
1. Focus on what you have
The best place to start when focusing on gratitude is to direct your attention to what you already have. Stop what you’re doing and look around. Is there something in your current surroundings that you are grateful for? It might be your house, your morning coffee, or the people you have around you! Now it’s time to put it on paper. Spend a minute or two to write down five things you are grateful for. By starting with what you have, you will be surprised by how quickly your internal gratitude can boost to a level ten!
Giving thanks goes beyond just one day out of the year. It’s something we should all do every day! How often do you practice gratitude? Do you notice and appreciate the little things around you? Do you give thanks for the big AND the little things in life? If you want to achieve optimal happiness, then it’s time to level up your gratitude practice.
1. Focus on what you have
The best place to start when focusing on gratitude is to direct your attention to what you already have. Stop what you’re doing and look around. Is there something in your current surroundings that you are grateful for? It might be your house, your morning coffee, or the people you have around you! Now it’s time to put it on paper. Spend a minute or two to write down five things you are grateful for. By starting with what you have, you will be surprised by how quickly your internal gratitude can boost to a level ten!
2. Be grateful for everything no matter how small
As our founder & CEO, Kwanza Jones, says, “I always operate from a place of gratitude.” If you start with gratitude first, then you’re more focused on what you have vs. what you lack. Gratitude is not just about being thankful for the big things...it’s about focusing on the little things too. It can be as simple as being grateful for waking up in the morning or the ability to see. When you start re-shaping your mind, you’ll start to notice that the list of things you do have is a lot longer than you expected.
3. Get out of your own way and enjoy everything
Don’t overthink it! Disregard others’ thoughts and get out of your own way so that you can start having a SUPERCHARGED mindset. It’s easy to get caught up in negative self-talk and self-doubt. When you start permitting yourself to enjoy the small things, then they will quickly evolve into bigger things, and your life will start feeling more fulfilled.
4. Level-up your perspective
A big piece of practicing gratitude is changing the way you tackle problems. If there are a set of stairs in front of you, don’t view it as an obstacle but as a necessary part of your journey. You don’t have to climb the steep staircase to get to where you want to go; instead, you get to enjoy the journey of the climb before you get the satisfaction of reaching the top. Obstacles are a necessary part of the climb and destination. This practice also helps you live in the moment and recognize the hard things as being stepping stones to get to the bigger things down the line.
If you’re looking for an accountability partner to help you level-up your perspective, then check out our SUPERCHARGED Boost Friends Community. Here you can connect with genuine individuals that can give you that extra boost you need to transform into a better you...while you do the same for them!
5. Look in the mirror and love what you see
Let’s keep it real...when was the last time you looked in the mirror and showed yourself some love? If you’ve never tried it or haven’t done this in a while, then maybe it’s time you start incorporating self-affirmations into your gratitude practice. Many of us don’t give ourselves the love we need consistently. Self-appreciation might be a piece of your gratitude practice that is easily overlooked, but remember that it’s important to be thankful for yourself as well!
6. How you feel when you’re grateful
Have you ever noticed how you feel when you express gratitude? When you focus on the positive, you tend to feel happier, more content, and fulfilled. If you’re looking to level-up your gratitude mindset, check out the GThnx App by our boost friend, Omar Brownson. This app helps you direct your attention to notice good give thanks to yourself and your friends, and spark joy in others...which is what being SUPERCHARGED is all about! You can also watch us put Omar’s exercises in practice in our recent webinar with GThnx.
7. Let go and let joy flow
Allow yourself to feel more joyful by letting go and being grateful for everything. Remember to actively point out key moments of gratitude in all circumstances no matter how small. If you get caught in the rain or spill something on yourself, it’s easy to get upset; if you actively practice finding gratitude in all situations, you might find yourself getting less worked up when little annoyances in life happen.
Well, Boost Friends, that’s a wrap! We hope these tips help you boost your gratitude practice and live a more fulfilled, SUPERCHARGED life.
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