Boosting LA Students: Be the Change You NEED to See in the World
“Education is for everyone... regardless of your ethnicity or socioeconomic status. It’s not a luxury. It’s a necessity.”
If that’s the most SUPERCHARGED statement you’ve heard all day, can we get an A-MEN!
As you probably already guessed, Boost Friends, this quote is from none other than our favorite fearless leader, Kwanza Jones. And believe it or not, this still needed to be said in 2020.
How come? Well, have you heard of that little thing called COVID? Yeah...we thought so. Whether you realize it or not, this pandemic hasn’t just affected our older population, it’s crashing down HARD on our little ones too.
You see, while the US government guarantees education for all, Kwanza has the SUPERCHARGED vision to see what most others don’t: we are lacking EQUAL access to education for ALL.
How COVID Has Made the Already Vulnerable MORE Vulnerable
If you don’t already know, Kwanza Jones is LA bred. So when she partnered with LA Alliance Public Charter Schools, she did it for a reason.
There are lots of underserved families in Los Angeles who are in need of a MAJOR boost.
When the pandemic hit...Kwanza saw things go from bad to worse.
Families who already struggled to get life’s basic necessities saw yet another obstacle come their way. We take many things for granted that are simply out of reach for some families.
Internet access is a necessity beyond streaming your fav show or tweeting your life away. It can be the defining factor that separates one child from another in their path to success. If you can see how this can be a huge disadvantage for many, then you and Kwanza are on the same page.
Kwanza Said “Hell No” to Inequality
Like always, Kwanza saw this obstacle as an opportunity. She teamed up with Brian Lee (former CEO of Shoe Dazzle) and Brett Brewer (co-founder of Crosscut ventures) to found LA Tech Cares. They’re on a mission to make a lasting change for 13,000 low-income students in the LA area.
She said “Bye Inequality” and “Hello Opportunity” by setting an ambitious goal: Raise $250,000 to ensure technological and Wifi access for the students who need it most.
Ok, but...why are you telling me this?
Well, Boost Friend, we wouldn’t be telling you all this if we didn’t think you were EXACTLY the right person to live up to our challenge.
As a member of our Boost Friends community, you know better than anyone else that life is a two-way street. While Kwanza has a lot to give, she needs others to give a little too. So here’s our challenge for you: step up and boost the LA community.
Kwanza and the LA Tech Cares team is almost halfway towards CRUSHING their goal, and in the words of Kwanza herself, “No one succeeds alone.” Every penny helps, and now’s your chance to prove it.
Click. Donate. Done.
Changing lives and closing the achievement gap has never been easier. The pandemic has already ruined enough—let’s not let it ruin our children’s futures too.
Kwanza Jones and your Boost Friends™ at SUPERCHARGED
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