Bye, Don! How to Celebrate Inauguration Day 2021 in SUPERCHARGED Style
COVID numbers are peaking. Small businesses are suffering. Schools are struggling to maintain high-quality instruction in a remote setting. Black and Brown communities are being disproportionately affected by it all. So what can YOU do about it?
Boost Friends, We know these first few days of 2021 have felt like more of the same: more uncertainty, more inequality, more reasons to feel discouraged. But we’re here to tell you there’s no time for negative thinking like that anymore. It’s all gonna change cause Trump is officially gonna #GetOut, whether he likes it or not.
So the real question here is not IF he's gonna get out, not WHEN he's gonna get out, but what's gonna happen AFTER he gets out? What can we ALL do to make sure that all the inequities and discrimination he brought into the White House get out with him?
“But I’m just one person. What can I do?”
Well, Boost can empower. You can speak up. You CAN make a change. And here’s four steps you can take RN to do just that. So even after today aka, Inauguration Day, more than just the DON will get out. So will inequitable infrastructures and harmful anti-POC narratives.
Step 1) Listen to Kwanza’s Latest Boosted Track: Get Out
Now, Boost Friends, we’re not just saying this because it’s a BOP (just ask Matty and Jay J, who collaborated with Kwanza on this track as well as Christmas Feeling, and Christmas with Friends). We’re saying this because you GOT to get in the right headspace before you take any action! No exceptions.
"Own your power. Live your purpose. Be of service.”
That’s Kwanza’s motto, and a song like this will remind you of your purpose—a priceless purpose that provides equality for ALL! So while you’re dedicated to that good fight and when (not if) you come up against non-believers, remember to play this track again and again so that you can reconnect with your purpose and stay on the track of #Real change.
Step 2) Find Your Mission
Let’s face it, Boost Friends, there’s A LOT going on right now: income discrimination based on skin color; educational inequality based on zip code; lack of diversity based in the workplace; disproportionate COVID infection based on race...the list goes on and on.
Let us remind you that even Kwanza herself can’t tackle it ALL. Sit down and think about which purpose is most important to YOU. For us, it’s raising awareness to activate action. But maybe you have an intense, personal connection to lack of educational opportunities in your area, or diversifying lawmakers in your community. Whatever it is, figure it out. Because without a mission, you ain’t got nothing to focus on with that BIG #GetOut energy! Celebrate inauguration day 2021 in style!
Step 3) Find Your Power
Ok, Boost Friend, you’ve got your purposeful mission in place…CHECK! Now what?
Well, in typical Kwanza fashion, now you’ve gotta look at the tools in your toolbox to see how you can #MakeItHappen. What resources are readily available to you? Is it money? Maybe a platform to educate others? Or, is it a powerful network that is capable of radical change?
Whatever you’ve got, USE IT to the best of your abilities. For our #GetOut campaign—because of the socially distanced times we’re living in—we knew our best vehicle for change was music.
Music lifts, empowers, and motivates no matter the distance. But maybe the tools in your toolbox look a little different. That’s ok—take whatever tools you’ve got and make them #WERK!
Step 4) Take Inspired Action
You raised your vibrations, you found your purpose, and you defined your power. All you’ve got to do now is take action!
And what’s the best way? With a plan!
Don’t worry, we won’t leave you hanging without a few SUPERCHARGED tips and tricks. Check out our Boost Blueprint for creating a concrete plan for long-lasting change. Because overhauling a societal mindset doesn’t accidentally happen overnight. It takes intentional action, perseverance, and planning.
Oh, and BTW, if you’re in need of the right, high-vibrational support system that can help you make this happen, be sure to visit—the biggest, most boosted support system a friend could ever ask for.
Even though we’re apart, it doesn’t mean we can’t connect our missions to make sure the United States is a more inclusive, more equitable, and more boosted place for ALL. Again, Celebrate inauguration day 2021 in style!
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