Common Sense with Kwanza Jones

June 23rd, 2021 | 04:00 PM Instagram Live | Pacific Time

You know what they say, “Common sense really isn’t very common.” Well, with Kwanza Jones, you get to learn a host of things that really should be obvious, but don’t come easily to most people. And all this happens in the simplest and most direct ways of them all: through a candid conversation.

What are these bits of advice that should be common sense?

  1. Plan as Much as You Can.
  2. Remind Yourself That You Are Loved, and Love yourself.
  3. Be Prepared for Your Seat at The Table.

You can read more about the recap here.

Check out a short clip of the event below.


what went down

Don't seek validation from others. Find it within by loving yourself unconditionally.

- Kwanza Jones

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