Working From Home: How To Maintain Employee Morale & Boost Company Culture
With self-preservation in full swing, most companies have made the switch from an office-based workplace to a home-based workplace for the remainder of 2020.
Of course, a new work environment is always an adjustment for all parties involved. But let it be known, it’s absolutely crucial, now more than ever, for companies to maintain employee morale and boost company culture.
Let's explore.
The Importance of Work Morale and Company Culture
It goes without saying, that the well-being of employees, along with maintaining a positive work environment should be on every company’s priority list.
Because a happy employee tends to be a hard-working employee - and that’s great for business.
Similarly, company culture is just as important. Workers who enjoy being at work are happier and again… work harder.
5 Ways To Lift Those Spirits, Moods And Vibes
1. Continue To Promote Company Culture
Just because your employees are working from home, most certainly doesn’t mean company culture should fly out the window. Your company’s image, voice, vibes and policies must remain the same.
It also won’t hurt to remind your employees that office company rules are still in play - e.g workers are allowed a paid lunch and/or can “clock out” at 5 pm.
Because miscommunication leads to stress and stress leads to sadness.
2. Maintain Social Activities And Work Relationships
They do say distance makes the heart grow fonder, so make sure your company makes the most of the time apart.
If weekly drinks were a thing - do continue those virtually. Have your employees log in to Skype/Zoom/Team with a Coke, Pepsi, beer, or a Quaran-tini in hand, because, yes please and we can all cheers to that.
Remember, working remotely can also be extremely lonely for some. So make sure you have a Whatsapp/Slack group to recreate that office kitchen area and boost their mindset. They can share memes to chit-chat about the day, the dog, or their kids.
Then, brace yourself, setting up virtual dance breaks, where employees can shake a limb or two, could be loads of fun and generate loads of smiles too! You could also create a virtual book club or have workers partake in an online game tournament. The social possibilities are endless.
3. Help Employees Settle Into Their New Work Environments
Some employees may not have a home office OR even an available desk at home. Be legendary and set certain tables and chairs aside, for workers to borrow. Naturally, having a proper space to work at OBVIOUSLY just goes such a long way.
If their WIFI at home isn’t uncapped, do let them know ahead of time the apps they’ll need for meetings and gatherings. Be it Skype Business, Zoom or Google meetings. Allow them to download these at work.
Because #teamwork. High 5.
4. It’s Going To Be Ok
Yes, 2020 is a nerve-wracking time to be alive, and many people are worried about their job security. Continuing communication with your employees is a must. Regular updates on the health of the business in group meetings will help to alleviate fear and anxiety. Have the HR team set up customized schedules for each employee as well, so that everyone feels needed and most importantly - valued.
5. Appreciate The Circumstances
We at SUPERCHARGED® believe in always focusing on the positive. So go ahead and do just that. The positive side to working from home means 24/7 lap cuddles from your cat, playdates with your dog, lunch with your kids and overall quality time with your family. What’s not to love?
Here Are 5 Ways We Do It At SUPERCHARGED
1. Get Moving
Numerous studies have been done on the mental benefits of exercise. Therefore we have a multitude of dance fitness videos for our employees to access and enjoy.
2. Get Motivated
As you probably know, we post a video regularly, featuring one of our team members who talk about personal experiences that led to their success at SUPERCHARGED. It’s all the rage, relatable, honest, energizing, inciting, loved and great to provide an emotional boost.
3. Get Chatting
We have daily/weekly check-ins, or shall I say chat-ins for about 15 mins. Non-work-related banter only, to spruce up any mundane Monday or tedious Tuesday. It’s super.
4. Get That Inspirational Info
Our weekly Monday meetups always end with words of encouragement to keep us inspired. Who doesn’t adore a quote, motivational speech, or a positive pep talk?
5. Get Celebrating
Let’s not forget birthdays, they’re still uber important - social distancing and all. We make sure to sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our birthday team members of the month during our previously mentioned motivational Monday Meetups.
We also do special birthday shout-outs and surprise cupcake deliveries. Because that’s just how we roll.
In the famous words of Sun Tzu: “In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.”
So grab this opportunity to boost spirits, cultivate positive mindsets and increase productivity with a smile on every employee’s dial today.
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