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Follow The Millionaire

Follow This Billionaire Morning Routine for a SUPERCHARGED Day

Hey, goal-getter! If you found this post, you must have big, ambitious dreams. Are you looking to make those dreams a reality?

You’re in the right place!

Our SUPERCHARGED Boost Friends™ community is focused on helping you become your best self and LEVEL UP in life! From the moment you wake up to the time you shut your eyes to catch some zzz's, your daily routine has a big impact on your success.

How do you start your mornings? Are you setting yourself up for a SUPERCHARGED® day whenever your alarm clock goes off?

Take a look at the morning routines of billionaires and create your own wake-up routine for success.

The Billionaire Morning Routine List: Do These 5 Activities Every Day When You Wake Up

Adopting the same morning routine as famous billionaires doesn’t guarantee that you’ll follow in their footsteps and join them in the top one percent. However, it DOES help you form good habits for a healthy, productive day.

With some motivation and the right routine, reaching the top 8% is absolutely attainable!

Ready to think like a billionaire? Take on the billionaire daily routine challenge and add these five activities to your mornings.

1. Get Moving to WAKE UP!

How do billionaires wake up feeling SUPERCHARGED every day?

Kwanza Jones, our founder and CEO, starts her morning with exercise. She says, “It gives me the time and space to mentally prepare for everything that I’m going to do.”

She stated that waking up and moving for 10 minutes helps her feel accomplished and motivated to complete more tasks in the day.

She’s not alone! Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter, also starts each morning focusing on his mind and body. His billionaire daily routine includes a six-mile jog, sixty-minute meditation, and an ice bath to jolt his system to full alertness.

Do what fits into your schedule. Whether it’s ten minutes or ten miles, postpone the coffee and start your day with exercise for a healthier way to WAKE UP!

2. Spend Time “Puttering”

To putter simply means to make yourself busy without accomplishing anything huge.

In Invent & Wander: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos, Bezos wrote: "I like to putter in the morning. I get up early. I go to bed early. I like to read the newspaper. I like to have coffee. I like to have breakfast with my kids before they go to school. So my puttering time is very important to me. That's why I set my first meeting for ten o'clock."

Puttering may seem like an unproductive start to the day, but having unstructured time on your calendar can actually help you be MORE productive when you do get to work.

It creates boundaries and separates your work time from everything else. After all, the human brain isn’t designed to GO-GO-GO all the time. It needs a break. If you’re focused on business every second you’re awake, you’re going to burn out in a flash.

Easing into the work day lets your brain power up slowly instead of slamming on the gas. Give yourself some self-love before getting down to business.

Feeling boosted yet ⚡⚡? Come along, we've got more tips for you.

3. Plan Your Day and Week

Know your schedule inside and out so you can plan your time accordingly. One important part of Kwanza’s CEO morning routine is setting aside time to go over her calendar. She meets with her executive assistant every day to do so. She recommends planning not only your day, but also your week.


There are only so many hours in a day – you HAVE to make sure you’re using them wisely! Know when your meetings are. Keep track of deadlines. Limit yourself to designated time blocks so you don’t accidentally spend the whole day on one activity.

If you plan your day and your week, you’re less likely to be caught unprepared.

4. Set Aside Focus Time

In your daily and weekly plans, you should always schedule blocks of focus time. Kwanza says, “That’s important – putting in time to focus on something concrete.”

That time can be used for whatever you need – a project, phone calls, business ideas, strategies, collaborations, etc. It can even be used as a quiet time to think.

Having designated focus time keeps you grounded and on track without a constant stream of interruptions. You know what you need to do – now’s the time to get it done! Focus time also helps you become more self-aware and manage your stress.

5. Read the News

Bill Gates has made a habit of checking the headlines every morning. In particular, the Microsoft co-founder likes to read The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Economist.

If you want to adopt this habit for your morning routine, think about which topics are relevant to you. You can’t spend all day reading, so you have to be strategic. Pick subjects that are:

  • Interesting
  • Current
  • Credible
  • Relevant to your career, side hustle, or hobbies

Spending some time reading in the morning will help you stay up-to-date. When you’re well-informed, you’re more prepared to make smart career decisions.

Want a SUPERCHARGED Day? Create a Great Morning Routine

Get out of bed and put your best foot forward EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

There’s a reason billionaires follow a similar routine – it works. The right morning routine fosters a healthy mind, body, and spirit so you’re ready to operate at peak performance.

But what’s the MOST important thing to remember?

You need to create a morning routine that works best for YOU!

Maybe puttering around the house isn’t your thing. Just because Jeff Bezos does it doesn’t mean you have to. If you’d rather start your day by hitting the ground running, then go for it!

Everyone is different. Take inspiration from the billionaires and CEOs, but don’t copy and paste their exact routine if it doesn’t work for you. Your life – your goals – your routine – your SUPERCHARGED day!

You made it this far, so we'll give you a goal-getting boost! Check out our Billionaire Blueprint Goal Setting Worksheet for a simplified, streamlined goal-setting approach.

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